„It's not about all what I have to do, it's about what Jesus can use me for. “
Regular and also one-time support is very important for our employees and projects.
If you cannot join us in person to help then with your donation you are helping someone who is already there.
Find out how you can introduce yourself any time. Quite comfortably from home.
When you join our prayers regularly , it means that you are helping with our projects and you will discover how God is responding. you can also create a prayers groups, like the youth prayers’ or the Community prayers’ groups.
Every project needs financial support to keep going, the preparation, the flights and the daily needs for the workers at the site cost money. Many of the workers have abandoned very good jobs just to share God’s love with the people in Africa, with your donation you would be securing our workers future and freeing them of a heavy load on their backs.
It is a big help for our workers when they have their community support.
we – Sahel life- take it of high importance that our workers have close relationships with their community along from the beginning . during the work period and also after the end of the work, it’s highly considered for our workers to have good connections with their communities.