Studying at Bible college
A profound understanding and deep respect of the Bible should be the foundation for every missionary. At BSK (Bibel Studien Kolleg) it’s possible to have an individual study plan that will be optimal to prepare for your service in Africa.
Alongside your biblical studies it’s also possible to have specific training applicable to your service area such as intercultural studies.

As part of your training there is an internship in an African land, either six months (XL), four months (L), or three months (M). In addition there are other smaller projects where the student can have good contact with missions and other missionaries through working with SAHEL LIFE.
Language school

Since SAHEL LIFE focuses its work in French-speaking countries, part of the training program is to complete a time of language school in France. This can be completed before or after studies at BSK. Usually a B1 level of French is required before the student is sent to one of the African internships.
Further modules:

For those looking for more intensive preparation for our service countries SAHEL LIFE has these other training options:
- Career specific training (tropical medicine courses, Islam courses)
- Courses through the “Academy for World Missions” in Korntal
- Personal preparation through individualized meetings

Impressions from the Wagner family
“We studied for one year at BSK and then afterwards started our French studies in France. The dual training is a great idea. Thanks to the individual study plans and the support of the mission we were able (despite our toddler) to prepare for our work in Africa. During our training we have become familiar with the mission and the other misisonaries.”
Flyer Duale Ausbildung 635 K
Missionaries in preparation
From the very beginning, our apprenticeship gets our students actively involved with SAHEL LIFE. In addition to the training at BSK they get to know our missionaries and our home base. Through the internships they get a great look at the missionary work through SAHEL LIFE on the field. They receive support from the mission early on in their preparation time, while they are still in their home country. The financial support is provided by friends and donors who give to the individual through the mission.
BibelStudienKolleg e.V.
Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 11
73760 Ostfildern
Telefon: +49 (0) 711 719 568 0
Telefax: +49 (0) 711 719 568 11
E-Mail: info@bsk-mail.de
Website: www.bibelstudienkolleg.de